UN forces - traducción al holandés
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UN forces - traducción al holandés

Peace-keeping; Peacekeeping Force; Peace keeping; Peace Mission; UN force; International Peace and Security; Peace keeping forces; Peacekeeping forces; Peace keeping force; Peacekeeping operations; Peacekeeping Operations; Peacekeeping operation; Peace Keeping; Peace-kept; Peacekeeping force; UN Force; United Nations Force; UN forces; U.N. forces; United Nations Forces; Peace support measures
  • Members of the [[Azerbaijani peacekeeping forces]] in full combat uniform during the [[2020 Moscow Victory Day Parade]].
  • Sinai]], [[Egypt]], 1989.
  • Norwegian]] Peacekeeper during the [[Siege of Sarajevo]], 1992 - 1993, photo by [[Mikhail Evstafiev]].
  • Ghanaian women serve as UN Peacekeepers
  • Irish [[UNMIL]] troops on patrol in Liberia, July 2006
  • A soldier from the [[Italian Army]] stands guard during the [[UNIFIL]] mission in Lebanon.
  • Memorial in [[Kigali]], Rwanda, to ten Belgian peacekeepers of [[UNAMIR]] who were massacred by Hutu paramilitaries in 1994
  • [[United Nations]] peacekeeping missions as of 2012

UN forces         
UNO strijdkrachten
security forces         
  • Afghan National Army]], and [[United States Army]] personnel during a presence patrol in [[Logar Province]], Afghanistan in 2013
Security force; Security Forces
veiligheidskrachten (alle instituten die zorgen voor de veiligheid van de staat)
auxiliary forces         
Moroccan Auxiliary Forces; Mroud


special forces
¦ plural noun the units of a country's armed forces that undertake counterterrorist and other specialized operations.



Peacekeeping comprises activities intended to create conditions that favour lasting peace. Research generally finds that peacekeeping reduces civilian and battlefield deaths, as well as reduces the risk of renewed warfare.

Within the United Nations (UN) group of nation-state governments and organisations, there is a general understanding that at the international level, peacekeepers monitor and observe peace processes in post-conflict areas, and may assist ex-combatants in implementing peace agreement commitments that they have undertaken. Such assistance may come in many forms, including confidence-building measures, power-sharing arrangements, electoral support, strengthening the rule of law, and economic and social development. Accordingly, the UN peacekeepers (often referred to as Blue Berets or Blue Helmets because of their light blue berets or helmets) can include soldiers, police officers, and civilian personnel.

The United Nations is not the only organisation to implement peacekeeping missions. Non-UN peacekeeping forces include the NATO mission in Kosovo (with United Nations authorisation) and the Multinational Force and Observers on the Sinai Peninsula or the ones organised by the European Union (like EUFOR RCA, with UN authorisation) and the African Union (like the African Union Mission in Sudan). The Nonviolent Peaceforce is one NGO widely considered to have expertise in general peacemaking by non-governmental volunteers or activists.

Under international law, peacekeepers are non-combatants due to their neutral stance in the conflict between two or more belligerent parties (to the same extent as neutral personnel and properties outside of peacekeeping duties) and are to be protected from attacks at all times.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para UN forces
1. where according to the Canadian leader of the UN forces
Famine, Affluence, and Morality _ Peter Singer _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de UN forces
1. The "UN Forces Command" stopped members of the Anti–U.S.
2. Lebanon villagers will not dare attack UN forces. .
3. And without his permission UN forces say they cannot intervene.
4. Some forward positions may be handed to UN forces as early as tomorrow.
5. The AU mission in Darfur has asked to be replaced by UN forces.